



Gtramp, a New Sport for the Instagram Set

Gtramp is a movement being led by teenage boys around the world, short for garden trampoline.
They are elite athletes, mostly self-taught, who connected via social media and are now pushing themselves to learn more and more difficult skills on the trampoline. They’re doing triple, quadruple, even quintuple flips (rotations in the air). The boys bounce 12 feet in the air and embellish their moves with multiple twists and an array of skills.
Gtramp is renegade in nature, blending the countercultural aspect of skateboarding with the daring of parkour and the energy of freestyle snowboarding, all of it fueled by the new technology.
Gtramp has exploded in popularity over the past two years. The hashtag #gtramp has more than 100k posts on Instagram, where participants share their progress via photos and video and encourage one other. The powerful combination of social media, along with the accessibility of apps for video editing and, most importantly, the kids themselves has helped fuel sport’s growth.
They are a fiercely loyal band of athletes who care about and support one another. They may train in their own backyards and basements, but through videos and live streams remain firmly connected. Unlike the organized gymnastics, these athletes have taken training into their own hands and forged a tightly knit community in the process — all without the rules, the governing body or the coaches.
Over the years, the tricks have become increasingly complex, which led the Gtramp community to consider how it can support and promote safety on the trampolines. Many of the gtramp influencers push out subtle safety messages, like using #NDB on posts. That means “no double bounce.” Double bouncing is when two people jump on the same trampoline, which can lead to dangerous bounces, losing control while landing and serious injury.
Gtramp skill is now one of the most popular international freestyle communities organizing many competitions that gather teens from around the world.