



Health Benefits of Trampolining

Trampolining is no longer reserved for your back garden or for exhausting classes at the gym, it’s now turned into something that’s fun, social and super effective for your physical and mental health. Bouncing trampoline is one of the most efficient, as well as one of the simplest and healthiest forms of exercise for all ages.

Here are some of the advantages of trampoline workout:

- Fun way of losing weight and keeping fit:

• Trampoline jumping is the most efficient and most effective form of exercise

• 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline provides the same fitness results as 33 minutes of running (68% more effective than jogging)

• Bouncing trampoline takes up to 80% off the stress of your weight-bearing joints, so it’s a great option for anyone recuperating from injuries. It’s also excellent exercise for those who have been sedentary and are starting an exercise program

• 30 minutes of trampoline jumping burns up to 310 calories

• Research shows that trampoline exercise is one of the most useful methods of eliminating cellulite.

- Rebounding improves the immune system and aids in detoxifying:

• Rebounding is a unique form of exercise in which a weightless state is achieved at the top of each jump and landing. This shift in gravity benefits every muscle and cell of the body and provides huge benefits to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system.

• Rebounding on a trampoline is a whole body exercise, and it may cause the lymphatic valves to open and close simultaneously which will cause increase lymph flow as much as 15x.

This boosts immunity, removes toxins, and help slow down the aging process.

- Strengthens bone density which helps prevent osteoporosis:

• Jumping on a trampoline increases bone mass

• Unlike most exercises, rebounding strengthens the bones and muscles without the risks of injuries because it involves increasing our G-force.

- Great for coordination:

• Bouncing on a trampoline increases awareness of your body and a sense of balance and coordination

• Gymnasts and acrobats also use trampolines to improve their coordination in aerial skills and tumbles.

- It can help you tone up:

• Improves muscle tone and suppleness

• It can also help improve posture and general muscle health.

- Reduces stress:

• Trampolining can help combat depression, anxiety and stress by increasing the amount of endorphins released by the brain

• Increases the circulation of oxygen around your body, making you more alert and improving mental performance

• Jumping on the trampoline triggers the “feel good” hormones to lift your moods, and to promote optimism and self-confidence

And best of all—bouncing on a trampoline doesn’t even feel like exercise. There’s a wide array of moves you can attempt while bouncing, but you don’t have to because simply bouncing up and down leads to better than expected results.